Friday, June 25, 2010

Computer Techie

I must admit I'm not a computer techie. Whenever, I encounter problems or errors in the computer, I quickly enlist the help of my boyfriend because he's very knowledgeable when it comes with computers, may it be the hardware or the software.

There's so much about computer that I do not know about.

One of the things, I'm encoutering problems lately are with file downloads specially those that involves large files. I always find my download being freeze and there's ton on registry error popping out. I end up not having those file being downloaded.

Some of the registry errors that I encountered was " Cannot open .PART, or .CVK or .PVM, or .SVG files on windows?"

I was told that these errors happened because either that file extension is damage or I need to know which program I need to use in order to open it.

PART file extension is associated with "partial downloading". What the download manager does is to store all the file extension with .part file and then assemble it later when the download is complete.CWK file extension is an apple work extension associate with the file ClarisWork. The .PVM extension is a two different file format from one another while the .SVG or scalable vector graphics is a file used for two dimensional graphics and graphical applications.

If you're having problems with your downloads or with any of the above file extensions were the errors that you encounter than let Regtask scan your computer now.

Once you register with Regtask, the Regtask will then scan your computer and then prompt you to fix the errors. When these errors are fixed your computer will now speed up and will no longer encounter any problem with downloading.

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